Certification Applications

Please select the appropriate certificate option - Broward County or State of Florida.
Select Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
B0004-56 Addition - Autism Spectrum Disorder Endorsement Application for School Board of Broward County employees requesting to ADD an ENDORSEMENT or subject area to a State-issued certificate. :Certification Applications FIXED Certification,Order N/A N/A N/A $75.00
B0004-11 Broward Certificate - RENEWAL Application for individuals renewing the district issued certificate. :Certification Applications FIXED Certification,Order N/A N/A N/A $75.00
B0004-7 Broward Certificate - DUPLICATE / NAME CHANGE Application for individuals requesting a DUPLICATE certificate or NAME CHANGE to a district-issued certificate. :Certification Applications FIXED Certification,Order N/A N/A N/A $20.00
B0004-5 Broward Certificate - INITIAL (first certificate issuance) Application for individuals seeking certification for all district certificates: temporary hourly, non-degreed vocational education, adult education or ROTC. :Certification Applications FIXED Certification,Order N/A N/A N/A $75.00
B0004-6 Broward Certificate - LATE RENEWAL Application for individuals who are LATE renewing the district-issued certificate in adult education, non-degreed vocational, temporary hourly or ROTC. :Certification Applications FIXED Certification,Order N/A N/A N/A $105.00
B0004-14 State of Florida Certification - ADD ENDORSEMENT/SUBJECT AREA Application for individuals seeking to ADD an Endorsement or Subject Area. Select specific Endorsement or Subject Area using the drop-down menu on the next screen. If the Endorsement or Subject Area you wish to add is not listed in the drop-down list you must apply and pay the associated fee directly to the Florida Department of Education via their website at https://flcertify.fldoe.org/datamart/login.do :Certification Applications FIXED Certification,Order N/A N/A N/A $0.00
B0004-4 State of Florida Certification - DUPLICATE / NAME CHANGE Application for School Board of Broward County employees requesting a DUPLICATE certificate or NAME CHANGE to a State-issued certificate. :Certification Applications FIXED Certification,Order N/A N/A N/A $20.00
B0004-1 State of Florida Certification - RENEWAL Application for School Board of Broward County employees requesting to RENEW a State-issued professional educator certificate. :Certification Applications FIXED Certification,Order N/A N/A N/A $75.00
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